Beaumaris Courthouse

Beaumaris Courthouse
Beaumaris Courthouse, Castle Street, Beaumaris, Anglesey
LL58 8BP
01248 810921
Region or country

Exterior view of Beaumaris Courthouse
Exterior of Beaumaris Courthouse; image by Angie Sutton-Vane

Beaumaris Courthouse was built in 1614 and is one of Anglesey’s most fascinating buildings and one of the oldest courthouses in Britain. Although alterations were made in the 19th century, the fine courthouse building has remained much the same as it was in the Stuart period and has a Grade II* listing. It is now a museum with access to the court room with a court session in progress, the Grand Jury Room, which also provides interpretation of the history of the building, and the Records Room. This room originally housed the court records which have since been transferred to Anglesey Archives, and now contains displays such as the gravestone of William Murphy, sentenced to death at Beaumaris in 1910 for murder and executed at Caernarfon.

Courtroom, Beaumaris Courthouse
Courtroom, Beaumaris Courthouse; image by Angie Sutton-Vane

What can be found at the venue?
Collection of artifacts, Historic building or site
Significant collections relating to regional crime and punishment organisation or to a particular individual
No information given
Does the venue have an online collections catalogue?
Web address of any other online resources
Details of opening for public access and / or research services
Opens daily 10.00 to 17.00; no details of ticket costs but tickets can be bought for both the courthouse and Beaumaris Prison.
No research services offered
Available services or facilities
Accessibility and disability arrangements / Covid requirements
There is parking nearby but no details of disabled access.
Other connected heritage sites, museums or archives
Beaumaris Prison; Anglesey Archives
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