Everton Brow lockup, Liverpool

Everton Brow lockup, Liverpool
19 Netherfield Road South, Liverpool
L5 4LS
Region or country
England (North West)

Everton Lock-Up, sometimes referenced by one of its nicknames such as Prince Rupert's Tower or Prince Rupert's Castle is a village lockup located on Everton Brow in Everton, Liverpool.  The Grade II listed building which was opened in 1787, was originally an overnight holding place where local drunks and criminals were taken by parish constables. Prisoners would then be brought before local Justices of the Peace for trial. Punishments would usually be similar to community service such as clearing ditches, unblocking drains or removing rubbish.

The 18th-century structure is one of two Georgian lock-ups that still survive in Liverpool; the other is in Wavertree.

What can be found at the venue?
Historic building or site
Significant collections relating to regional crime and punishment organisation or to a particular individual
One of two Georgian lock-ups that still survive in Liverpool; the other is in Wavertree.
Does the venue have an online collections catalogue?
Web address of any other online resources
Details of opening for public access and / or research services
The Friends of Everton Park have included the lock-up in their Everton Park Heritage Trail with information boards displayed near the building. 
Other connected heritage sites, museums or archives
Wavertree Lockup, Liverpool
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