Adding your event to our CaP calendar

CaP’s calendar is a great way of increasing publicity about your event and it will also be added to our CaP Alert! newsletter. Simply complete and submit the form below. At the end there is an option for uploading an image.

Please provide as much detail as you can about your event so it can be be added to our calendar. The calendar has space for one image which we always recommend you add. After you have submitted the form there is an upload window for images. If you could make sure the image file is clearly named so we can connect it to your entry that would be helpful. Thanks for using our events calendar!
There are fields for times / prices / location etc below so use this space to outline what the event is about
For example, an exhibition, an open evening, a talk, a workshop, a walking tour … Also if you have any specific tags you would like us to add
Please provide a website link or email address for taking bookings
For example age limits, maximum numbers, restrictions etc
This information will not be included in the event information and will only be used should we need to contact you regarding your event
This information will not be included in the event information and will only be used should we need to contact you about your entry.
In order to comply with General Data Protection Regulations please select the tick box above to confirm you are happy for CaP to retain your name, your organisation’s name and contact details for the purposes of creating your event entry. CaP will not share this information with any other parties.
Please ensure files you upload have a recognisable name so they can be matched with the form. If you need to locate images you can return to this page later and leave the entry form blank.
Upload files