Gloucestershire Police Archives is a website dedicated to the archives of Gloucestershire Constabulary. The website is based on the archives of Gloucestershire Police and has been created by the Gloucestershire Police Archive Volunteers as part of “For the Record”, a Heritage Lottery Funded project. From the site you can browse through photos, memories, stories and historical information related to the history of Gloucestershire Constabulary.
A database of archive material and images has been created containing almost 8,000 entries- with many more waiting to be added. Work has led to the Constabulary and the Police and Crime Commissioner working in partnership with Gloucestershire County Council in the “For The Record” Project which will enable the Constabulary Archive records to be preserved in the best condition for years to come making the Constabulary records truly accessible to the public and other interested parties. It has also seen the creation of the Heritage Hub where a number of different archive volunteer groups will be housed creating a fully interactive hub.