Herts Past Policing

Herts Past Policing
Hertfordshire Archives & Local Studies

Herts Past Policing is a web-based digitised collection which records life on the beat in Hertfordshire. The website is a collaboration between Herts Police Historical Society, Hertfordshire County Council, Hertfordshire Archives & Local Studies and Bishop's Stortford Museum.

The Hertfordshire Police Historical Society does not have a museum, but currently has displays at Herts Police headquarters. A new HQ is planned with a museum in late 2025.  The Society also has a small one room display at Tring Police Station and plan to place displays in various Policing pop up shop locations.

What can be found at the venue?
Records or archive, Collection of artifacts
Significant collections relating to regional crime and punishment organisation or to a particular individual
The website has pages on policing history, crimes and incidents, learning, police jargon, as well as an online document catalogue [see link below]
Does the venue have an online collections catalogue?
Web address of online collections catalogue
Other connected heritage sites, museums or archives
The website is a collaboration between Hertfordshire Constabulary, Hertfordshire Police Historical Society [contact: hertsconstabularyhistoricalsociety@herts.pnn.police.uk], Hertfordshire Archives & Local Studies [contact: hals.enquiries@hertfordshire.gov.uk], and Bishop’s Stortford Museum [contact: museum@rhodesbishopsstortford.org.uk]
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