Norfolk Record Office

Norfolk Record Office
The Archive Centre, Martineau Ln, Norwich
01603 222599
Region or country
England (East)

Norfolk Record Office hold the Quarter Sessions records for the county of Norfolk and for the boroughs within the county, and  also the petty sessions records for the various Norfolk divisions.  We also hold records of several Norfolk prisons, especially the County gaol in the Castle at Norwich and the Tolhouse gaol in Yarmouth. We also have records of many other courts: for example, medieval Hundred courts; the records of perhaps 1,500 manorial courts; the records of Yarmouth Admiralty court; the Norwich city mayor’s court; church courts at diocesan and archdeaconry.

Does the venue have an online collections catalogue?
Web address of online collections catalogue
Details of opening for public access and / or research services
The Norfolk Record Office searchroom is open from Tuesday to Friday.

The NRO searchroom is open from Tuesday to Friday. To ensure that the service is safe to use, we are only able to provide a limited service based on advance booking of places and original documents.
Available services or facilities
Visitor parking
Accessibility and disability arrangements / Covid requirements
There are parking spaces for visitors with disabilities near the entrance to The Archive Centre.

There's a wheelchair-accessible lift which takes you down to the public areas, which are all on one level. There is an accessible toilet. There are loop systems for the hard of hearing at The Archive Centre reception desks.
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